Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Perfect plan, muahaha!

One of the things I've been kicking around, over and OVER again is this: How do we spring the surprise on our kids? What's the perfect way to do this? How do I keep this a secret for so long? How will I even be able to contain myself the day of?

While I can't answer those last few questions (as it's a year out and I clearly want to let the cat out of the bag, desperately).. I have come up with a beautiful scheme for the first two questions.

So what is my masterful plan?  Well, it will require the help of my in-laws, which I figure will be no problem because I know my M.I.L really wants to see the kids faces when they figure it out. The night before we go, we'll have everything all packed up and put into my in-law's van. We'll get the kids backpacks packed up with their homework and carry on snacks, etc. In the morning, we'll treat it just like it's any other day of the week. They need to get up, get ready for school etc. However, if the weather co-operates, instead of driving them to school, we'll walk them to school. When they ask why Mommy and Daddy are BOTH walking them to school, we'll just tell them that we have the day off to get some things done around the house and thought it would be nice to walk them to school. I also figure we'll carry their back packs for them (they usually don't mind) that way there are no suspicions on why their bags are heavier than normal.
When we get to the school, Grandma and Poppa will be waiting there. We'll talk to them casually and they'll offer to take us on a special trip to CR for the day. (You know, to see my parents, the dogs, maybe watch some planes take off, etc.) Once the kids get excited about the prospect of skipping school for the day, we'll load them up and off to CR we go. Once we get to the airport we'll have Grandma or Poppa take them in to look at the neat stuff at the airport while the rest of us go park the van. That way, when they see us coming in with our luggage, they'll want to know what the heck is going on... And THAT is when we'll ask them "If you could fly anywhere in the whole world right now, where would you want to go?". They'll probably say "Texas" first (since that's where some of their cousins live) but we'll coax them into Disney pretty quickly and then there will be screaming and tears and laughter and pictures and..and.. I think that's the point where my heart explodes with joy! :)

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