Tuesday, March 18, 2014

7 weeks and counting

So we're down to 7 weeks left. I'm oddly calm. Scrap books are basically done. Luggage tags are done. Suitcases purchased. Travel packs for kids toothbrushese etc. ready to go. I also just ordered a bunch of boxers and t-shirts so the kids have basic pajamas for the trip. Yeah, that's right, I ordered them. It was just way more convenient to have them delivered to my house than to try and explain away why the kids can't have what I brought home from the store. Plus, I've kind of reached a point where I'm lazy and I simply don't want to bother going to the store to get it. Spring break has been a great temper towards my need to pack. Since the boys go to their daycamp everyday, they need their swim trunks everyday. Clearly I can't pack what they're using. Plus, I'm finally content with waiting until about 2 weeks ahead of time. The hubs is right, if I pack now, I'll have to unpack it and re-pack it all later to be sure it's all there.

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